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A Life's Passion




In 1973, G-Scapes of Lichfield was set up by Malcolm and Elizabeth Gee and has since grown into one of the Midland’s most recognised and established landscape companies, creating inspirational gardens for hundreds of clients in the area.




Even from a very young age, Malcolm’s true love was plants.  The idea of setting up his own nursery grew like a seed in his mind and when the opportunity arose to develop and fulfil this lifelong passion for growing and nurturing plants, he seized it with his green fingers, and in 1985... Fullbrook Nursery was born.

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Sadly Malcolm Gee passed away in 2015 but he left G-Scapes in the very capable hands of his 3 children


Daniel Gee -  Managing Director

Robert Gee – Director and Project Manager

Elizabeth Gee - Purchasing Administration & Company Secretary


Together they drive the business forward, building on the firm foundations left by Malcolm and keeping family values at the core of everything they achieve.  They have gathered around them a loyal, highly skilled and valued team.


This strong combination of a successful landscape division and a flourishing trade nursery division led by strong teamwork means that G-Scapes can offer...


'The Complete Garden Solution’.

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Many exciting developments have recently taken place at Fullbrook Nursery as a response to changing market trends.  Several new members of staff are bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise, the Nursery site has been restructured and a new computer system has been installed. 


Fullbrook Nursery has developed into a large, Midlands based, Cash and Carry nursery offering an extensive range of plant material for the trade, landscape, design and commercial markets.


Picture. G-Scapes featured on ITV's Love your Garden with Alan Titchmarsh 

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‘I am proud of being a gardener. No matter how much horticultural knowledge you have, there is always so much more to learn. Gardeners are special people.'


(MAY 1946 - JUNE 2015)

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Garden Design  |  Landscaping  |  Fullbrook Nursery 

G-Scapes of Lichfield, Fullbrook Nursery, Watery Lane, Lichfield WS13 8EP

Monday–Friday   8am–4:30pm  01543 256401

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